Sustainable Victorian regions

Understand how the Government will help our regions to receive a bigger share of the economic opportunities Victoria has to offer.

Regional Victoria

Regional Victoria is at the forefront of our state’s economic activity, with a range of sectors from agriculture, tourism to manufacturing, all playing a big part. The economy will only continue to grow, with many Victorians migrating to the regions and calling it their home.

The Social Procurement Framework is a great initiative that will help our regions to receive a bigger share of the economic opportunities Victoria has to offer.

The case studies featured in this report are promising examples of work that is already happening across the state to assist recovery efforts.

Key Achievements 

From 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2021, the following Social Procurement Framework commitments were included within 119 contracts with suppliers reported to the Victorian Management Centre20, of which:

  • 7 contained commitments for expenditure with suppliers within regions experiencing entrenched disadvantage
  • 7 contained commitments for the engagement of businesses within regions experiencing entrenched disadvantage
  • 6 contained commitments for the engagement of suppliers who employ Victorian people who live in regions experiencing entrenched disadvantage
  • 5 contained commitments for the provision of employment hours for Victorian people in regions experiencing entrenched disadvantage.

(Note: As the Victorian Management Centre was fully implemented in April 2021, some contracts are still in delivery, and will not have outcomes to report on for this period. The achievements detailed may include achievements recorded against specific commitments as well as achievements outside of commitments.)

In 2018-19 the Social Procurement Framework applied to Victorian Government departments, including Victoria Police. In 2019-20, this number grew significantly to include more than 275 eligible agencies, extending our knowledge and understanding of the initiatives being undertaken throughout Victoria’s regions.

Case study - INT TEC Solutions: providing IT services in our regions

Int Tec Solutions is based in Mildura, where areas of the community are rated among Victoria’s most socially disadvantaged. The provision of job readiness and employment for people in regions experiencing entrenched disadvantage is an outcome sought under the Sustainable Victorian Regions objective of the Framework.

Int Tec provides leading IT services across north-west Victoria, as well as employment for 20 staff and 2 trainees.

The company helps organisations find smarter ways to manage their technology, delivering infrastructure, software and hardware, as well as strategy and support where needed.

Int Tec services several regional organisations, including local health services and Lower Murray Water (LMW).

The security provided by a contract with a Victorian Government agency, like the one Int Tec has with LMW, gives the firm the stability it needs to attract and retain local staff.

And for local organisations and government agencies based in the region, it means having an IT provider close to home, and not relying on city-based firms to provide IT services.

Case study - Echuca-Moama Bridge project - engaging a local Aboriginal business to drive regional development 

Through its contract for the Echuca–Moama Bridge project, Major Road Projects Victoria’s head contractor McConnell Dowell has engaged a local Aboriginal-owned business to deliver against the Victorian Government’s social procurement objectives.

AKO Earth, a 100 per cent Aboriginal-owned business from Echuca, undertook work for the project’s early mobilisation, such as managing earthworks on cultural heritage sites, excavations and rock beaching for flood mitigation on the culturally sensitive banks of the Murray River.

The opportunity has provided benefits for the local community, including employment outcomes in a regional location. Through this contract, AKO Earth was able to provide employment for six local Yorta Yorta men.

It has also meant that AKO Earth has been able to grow from sole trader to an experienced, subcontracting company that is now certified through Kinaway Chamber of Commerce.

This has boosted the profile of AKO Earth within the region and the construction industry.
