Complaints under Fair Jobs Code

Find out how to raise a complaint when a supplier or business is not complying with the Fair Jobs Code.

Complaints about suppliers and businesses

Who can submit a complaint?

A complaint may be made if a supplier or business holding a Pre-Assessment Certificate has failed to comply with the Code.

The following persons (or their representatives) may make a complaint to the Fair Jobs Code Unit about a supplier or business holding a Pre-Assessment Certificate:

  • a worker or former worker employed or engaged by a supplier or business
  • a regulator or decision-maker who has made an adverse finding relating to the supplier or business
  • a party to any dispute which resulted in an adverse finding relating to the supplier or business
  • a Victorian Government agency that has engaged with the supplier or business in the past three years in relation to the supply of goods, services or construction works or the provision of grants.

How to submit a complaint

To make a complaint against a current Pre-Assessment Certificate holder, access the Fair Jobs Code Complaints Form.

How are complaints handled?

Complaints will be managed:

General complaints

To make a general complaint about an action or service provided by the Fair Jobs Code Unit, use the Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions – Complaints Form.

