Organise invitation documents

Understand how to compile the invitation documents together.

Why organise invitation documents?

Logical and consistent invitation documents:

  • make it easier for participants to prepare offers
  • reduces the time a participant needs to review invitation documents
  • reduces the cost a participant needs to prepare its offer, as it will not specialist advice to understand the invitation
  • increases transparency in procurement

Components of the invitation documents include:

  • Conditions or rules of the invitation
  • Specification
  • Contract
  • Response schedule
  • Advertising and communication of the invitation:

How to organise the invitation documents

Step 1: Finalise components of the invitation documents

Finalise, including obtaining approvals, for:

  • Rules or conditions of invitation
  • Specification
  • Contract
  • Response schedules

Step 2: Determine if additional documents are required

Additional documents may include:

  • Multi-stage tender – including expression of interest
  • Purchase under a panel arrangement

Step 3: Organise the documents


Check if standard templates are available.

The usual sequence for construction documents is:

  • Part A – Conditions of tendering
  • Part B – Specification
  • Part C – Contract
  • Part D – Response schedules

Goods and services

Check if standard templates are available.

The usual sequence for goods and services documents is:

  • Part A – The Invitation
  • Part A1 - About this invitation - details the procurement opportunity
  • Part A2 - Specification
  • Part B – Conditions of participation
  • Part C – Contract
  • Part D – Response schedules

Step 4: Quality check 

Review the invitation documents.

Ensure that the invitation documents:

  • are set out logically
  • are set out in a manner consistent with other similar procurements
  • does not contain superfluous information
  • does not duplicate information between components of the invitation documents
  • is fair and balanced – does not favour any potential participant

Step 5: Administrative approval

Seek administrative approval for the approach to market (invitation documents) from the project sponsor.

Obtain this administrative approval before approaching the market.


Manage probity and conflicts of interest

Manage probity – consider issues raised at Probity issues by stage and task.

Conflicts of interest can arise during this task.  Identify, declare, and manage these.

Address Agency rules

Consult Agency procurement team for advice on meeting:

Follow Agency specific rules on when to seek an approval and who can give the approval.

Follow Agency specific rules for recording decisions and storing records.
