Develop a procurement activity plan: Goods and services guide

A procurement activity plan sets out an organisation’s planned procurement over a period. Find out how to prepare a procurement activity plan for goods and services procurement.

What is a procurement activity plan? 

A procurement activity plan outlines an organisation’s anticipated procurement activity, over 12 to 24 months. It provides your organisation and potential suppliers with an overview of what you are planning to buy at the category level and individual procurements where information is available. 

The procurement activity plan is a live document and should be regularly updated to reflect your organisation’s procurement requirements. 

A procurement activity plan is a core component of your organisation’s procurement strategy. Refer to the VGPB’s Governance policy for more information. 

Why is a procurement activity plan important? 

The procurement activity plan provides headline information to align funding, resources and capability with planned procurement activity. It helps prioritise the release of procurement activity to take advantage of market conditions. 

For the market, a summary procurement activity plan lets businesses know about potential procurement opportunities. Early awareness of future procurement requirements is particularly important for small to medium size enterprises (SMEs). It enables them to carry out background research to better understand procurement requirements and to network with other SMEs to address capability gaps. Refer to the Procurement activity plan internal/external, available below.

What to include in my plan? 

Your plan should align with any existing roll-out of procurement activity and include procurements still at the planning stage where no market commitments have been made. 

The degree of detail in the plan reflects the level of information required by the head of the organisation and senior management to deliver your organisation’s procurement strategy. 

The chief procurement officer oversees an annual review of the procurement activity plan. 

Using the procurement activity template 

Please see the template that supports this guide below.

Note: The Procurement activity plan (External) should be posted on your organisation's website and updated periodically. 

Procurement activity plan internal/external: Goods and services
Excel 13.37 KB
(opens in a new window)

Using this guide 

This guide accompanies the goods and services supply policies. There are 5 supply policies: 

  • Governance policy 
  • Complexity and capability assessment policy 
  • Market analysis and review policy 
  • Market approach policy 
  • Contract management and disclosure policy 

This guide supports the Governance policy

Tools and support

Access a document version of this guide in the Toolkit and library.

For more information about considering environmental factors when making goods and services procurement decisions, please contact the goods and services policy team.
